Welcome to Sisvel Wi-Fi Blog

Wireless communication
November 25, 2021

Hello, I’m Andrea Rombolà, I’m managing the Sisvel’s program on Wi-Fi technology. As you’ll see over the next few months, we’re using this blog to educate readers on Wi-Fi technology, highlight the business opportunities in new and existing markets that it enables, and to present our point of view regarding patent licensing.

Over the last two years, it’s hard to think of any technology more essential than Wi-Fi to our home-bound existence, whether for work, education, or entertainment. Imagine having to physically connect all of your internet-capable devices with an Ethernet cable or trying to video conference or watch Netflix via a cell phone signal. Think of the additional cost associated with buying more routers to serve all these devices, and perhaps even laying cable to the various rooms in your home.

The Value Wi-Fi Delivers

Not surprisingly, the convenience and performance delivered by Wi-Fi translate to exceptional value. A recent study released by the Wi-Fi Alliance estimated the global value of Wi-Fi to be $3.3 trillion in 2021, increasing to $4.9 trillion by 2025. This report, developed by Telecom Advisory Services, considered factors like consumer and business communication needs, technology developments, access to additional spectrum, and the economic impact of a global pandemic.


Another paper by Telecom Advisory Services entitled COVID-19 and the Economic Value of Wi-Fi concluded that “Wi-Fi technology fulfills a critical role in helping societies deal with economic disruption from emergencies such as COVID-19. Not only is Wi-Fi key to economic resiliency, from a social perspective Wi-Fi is a critical enabler in the delivery of online social, education, and work collaboration tools.”

While we’re all very familiar with typical Wi-Fi applications, like those discussed above, Wi-Fi also enables completely new applications that wouldn’t be practical without wireless communication. One very prominent example is the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) market, which links previously unconnected devices like lights, thermostats, and automobile to enable smart homes and smart cities, connected cars, and wearables that can track your fitness and your health.

Funding the Innovation

Needless to say, Wi-Fi didn’t sprout from the earth fully formed, ready for implementation. It took the extensive and time-consuming work of developing and standardizing the technology to ensure high-performance, ease-of-use, and ubiquitous compatibility. Unless companies recoup their investment, whether through product sales, patent-royalties, or both, this innovation will stop.

Sisvel’s company motto is “We Protect Ideas”. Specifically, Sisvel helps companies monetize their investments in R&D, often via patent pools. The Group advocates for a healthy innovation ecosystem that simplifies access to technologies and guarantees adequate incentives to innovate further. Sisvel has been in business since 1982, has been licensing technology for almost 40 years, and has over 60 engineers, licensing, and legal professionals on staff.

Going Forward

Going forward, we’ll use this blog to explore the value Wi-Fi delivers to technology implementors and their customers, to describe emerging Wi-Fi technologies, and to comment on Wi-Fi-related IP announcements and activities.

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